EP608: Dr. Tony Martin - Doctors Know Nothing About Nutrition

“If you don’t have your health, you're in trouble. It doesn't matter how much money you have. Life’s no fun if you don’t have your health.” 

What if the very food you’re eating is silently destroying your health? As business leaders and entrepreneurs, we’re constantly flooded with conflicting advice about what’s “healthy” and what isn’t. Yet, despite all the information available, chronic diseases continue to rise, and many high achievers find themselves struggling to maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you're trying to cut through the noise and take control of your well-being, you’re not alone. 

Certain foods and lifestyle choices are contributing to widespread health issues like diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s. Discover how sugar, processed foods, and poor habits are driving chronic inflammation, slowly damaging your body over time. learn practical strategies to reclaim your health by controlling your diet, reducing sugar intake, and building muscle mass—all essential steps for maintaining the energy and vitality needed to thrive in business and life. 

Our returning guest, Dr. Tony Martin, is a health expert with a wealth of knowledge on how diet and lifestyle influence long-term success. His books, including Sun, Steak and Steel, have inspired countless people to rethink their approach to health. Dr. Martin is back to share his insights on preventing chronic disease, living healthier, and why taking care of your body is foundational to running a successful business. 

Your health is the backbone of your productivity. Take control, reduce inflammation, and build a strong foundation for a thriving business and a vibrant future. 

Learn more about Dr. Tony Martin; 

Website: MartinClinic.com 

Book: Sun Steak Steel 

Expert action steps: 

  1. Desire: Start by wanting to make a change. 

  2. Determination: Commit 100% to changing your life. 

  3. Discipline: Make the right choices every day, learning to say no to unhealthy habits and yes to healthy ones. 

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