EP547: TL Nuggets 148 - The Pros and Cons Of Attraction Versus Promotion Based Marketing

There are pros and cons to both promotion based marketing and attraction based marketing. But neither can be cast down as less effective than the other because the approach for both is as different as the ways that they bring clients to your door. They’re at opposite ends of the spectrum and that’s what makes the combination of both so powerful.

On one hand, you’re taking immediate action, every day. And that gets measurable results. On the other, you’re sitting back, working on your heart and mind and opening energetic doors for clients to walk through. Results can’t really be measured but you’ll know when it’s working.

Entrepreneurs will naturally be drawn to one method more than the other but we’re here to tell you that you’ll open the widest door for clients to come in when you learn to master both promotional marketing and attraction marketing.

Visit eCircleAcademy.com and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

EP546: Rima Kamra - Everyone Should F***ing Exercise

“Everyone's always trying to please people and be loved by everyone, but you're not meant to be loved or even liked by everyone. And you have to be okay with that.”

Our businesses are about improving people’s lives and society overall. This is the ultimate goal and when done with authenticity and integrity, you will succeed and you will be compensated. Many of us come to entrepreneurship because our own life experience turns  us into experts in some way. Often, it’s our own journey of overcoming challenging situations that does it with the outcome being that we not only learn powerful lessons, but we also feel inspired to offer them to the world, knowing full well that they’re needed.

Rima Kamra suffered from depression for many years, always pushing forward and making progress in life but never escaping self doubt and the fear that her daughter would suffer the same fate. Until her life journey brought her to the gym where she found a powerful measure of control over her life and a way to manifest change in her body and mind that translated into the rest of her life. She became an expert in this kind of transformation and was given the opportunity to coach others to do the same. She now has a team and they’ve helped over 2000 women ‘Lady The F Up’.

Rima is the sister and business partner of a recent TTLR guest, founder of Amer Fitness, Amer ‘The Hammer’ Kamra. In 2011, Amer was the youngest pro fitness model in the history of professional bodybuilding.

Rima believes in authenticity in business and won’t try to sell potential clients unless they’re prepared to fully commit themselves to the program. She specialises in helping women create the bodies and the lives that they want, in a sustainable way.





Expert action steps:

  1. No matter what you come from, work hard to create what you want.

  2. Be authentic. If people don’t like you when you’re being authentic, you have to be ok with that.

  3. Exercise.

Visit eCircleAcademy.com and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

EP545: TL Nuggets 147 - Marc von Musser - The Pros & Cons Of Paid Traffic Marketing

“Once it’s dialed in… Once you've found your ideal market and your ideal messaging, you can get ongoing prospect calls, nonstop.”

Paid traffic marketing gets your ads on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, among others. And if your methods are fine tuned, then you’re getting in front of your ideal prospects. It’s effective but it’s not for everyone. Especially if you don’t already have the money to invest. It’s more of a strategy for seasoned businesses to grow than it is a strategy for starting a business.

But there are several forms of organic marketing that are cheap, if not free, and still very effective. And the ROI is high since there’s no ad spend involved. Podcast guesting is a prime example. It’s a relatively new strategy and though many people talk about it, it seems not many understand what it takes to get results. Knowing your ideal client and dialing in your messaging are a necessary start, but you also need to understand the trends in the world and what people are responding to. What worked only a few years ago isn’t working today.

All strategy aside, the most important thing is having integrity in sales. You need to have your heart in the right place. You need to be heart driven, authentic, and real.

You can learn about all of this and much more with Marc and Nicky at the Get Booked & Get Paid event on March 1st and 2nd.


Marc Von Musser is CEO at SOAR and ROAR Inc. He’s the founder of a human optimization program called 111 Days to Greatness, awakening the greatness in others and helping people become their greatest self and live their dream life.

Learn more about Marc on LinkedIn.


Visit eCircleAcademy.com and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

EP544: Mark Faris - How To Become The #1 Performer In Your Field

“When one door closes another one soon opens.”

“Where two or more are gathered in my name, I am amongst them.” - Matthew 18:20

“It’s a noble cause to build a great company. Companies that are worthy of serving people with excellence.” - Jim Collins

Often when one dream comes to an end, it’s making way for a new one. And the process of transitioning and opening to the change is one of making huge leaps forward in terms of personal growth. Having the right mindset, educational tools, partners and coaches, are all critical in helping you realize the potential for your business growth and your ability to take action on ideas that you may never have even considered before.

Mark Faris takes us through his own journey from professional hockey player to Royal Lapage’s #1 Canadian broker, and finally to CEO of Faris Capital Partners. When Mark’s hockey dream came to an end, his wife opened his mind to the possibility that one dream could make way for another. He takes us through his process which affirms that when one door closes, another indeed opens; With people on the other side who want to help you. He talks about the need to bring on talented people to scale your business, the need to let go of ‘the old’ to become a CEO, and the need for partners and coaches that make you a better version of yourself, holding you accountable to the actions you’ll need to take.

Mark is passionate about real estate sales and helping successful people that want to invest really kill it. He and his team have developed a remarkable system for investing in multi-family units in the United States, in the same way one would invest in single-family homes. You can find more information and even book a call with Mark himself at FarisCapitalPartners.com. Be sure to get on the mailing list for new deal alerts. You’ll be the first to know about extremely rare deals with a 27% discount from market peak. 

You can also find Faris Capital Partners on Instagram.


Expert action steps:

  1. Buy real estate. Don’t work for the rest of your life. If you look back 10 years ago, you’ll see you should have bought more real estate.

  2. Invest in yourself through coaching or education and then take quick action with what you’re learning.

  3. Get clear on what your goal is. Be very specific. Do you know what your quarterly goal is?

Visit eCircleAcademy.com and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

EP543: TL Nuggets 146 - Don't Do It Alone!

“Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so, so much.”

Egregore is an ancient word that describes ‘the spirit of the group’. The collective energy of a group that lights a fire under everyone, surging everyone forward. Imagine what it would do for you and your business? When you have a single mentor or you join a mastermind, either way you’re going to benefit by finding resources you didn’t even know you need, getting instant feedback and encouragement to break though your barriers, and valuable methodologies. Finding a mentor or a group to help take you to the next level is just basic investment principles. But you’re investing in the most valuable part of your business: YOU.

Visit eCircleAcademy.com and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

EP542: David Hoffman - Relationships Over Rules

“If God put someone in my life; you, my wife, my kid, my neighbor, a client, a friend, I’m going to give them my all.”

“If they double and triple down on every third day with those already in their life, they’ll have more business and more relationships than they know what to do with.”

I just value relationships on such a high and deep level. I have stress, I have storms like the next person, but I don’t stay wet. I don’t stay down because I know where I came from, I know where I’m going and so I’m just grateful to have the breath in my lungs.

The relationship between earning money and serving people is probably the greatest secret in business. Heavy emphasis on serving people. It’s such a powerful and yet simple principle that countless successful people have learned and teach. These are people who lead fulfilling lives inside and outside their businesses. What needs to accompany this principle is the right mindset. One that gets your self out of the way including any limiting beliefs or events from the past that interfere or block you from moving forward and opening your heart to the world. Ultimately, this is about building deep, meaningful relationships with people.

David Hoffman is a speaker, author, retired economist and the CEO of David Hoffman Realty. He turned painful experiences from his childhood into gratitude for life and a passion for helping others through his presence and love. He encourages people to ‘give your all’ to the people closest to you. Because society too often puts boundaries to success in our minds, the success you’ll find by giving your all to your relationships will let you transcend those boundaries and will turn into abundance in your life, your marriage, and in your business.

David’s book, Relationships over Rules: 7 Principles to Lead Gracefully and Love Generously was written to help people transcend limiting beliefs by becoming the heart-leaders of their own lives.

Expert action steps:

  1. If you put it on the calendar, it stays. Stay committed to prioritize your relationships.

  2. Respond before your next meal. Stay present with the people you’re with in the moment and reply to your messages and emails before your next meal.

  3. If someone’s already in your life, give them your all.

  4. You can change the world. Don’t wake up when it’s too late regretting that you didn’t give it your all.

Learn more by going to https://www.relationshipsoverrules.com.

You can find David’s book, Relationships over Rules: 7 Principles to Lead Gracefully and Love Generously on Amazon. https://a.co/d/1D7Cvwe

You can find David Hoffman Realty on Facebook.


Visit eCircleAcademy.com and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

EP541: TLN Nuggets #145 - Melissa Von Musser - How To Embrace Your Greatness

“I’m just excited to have the opportunity to bring the beauty of my struggle, the beauty of conquering, and the beauty of doing more than just surviving but thriving to our people.”

Leveling up your business and your life while surrounded by a group of people determined to do the same is going to power you forward. Add to that the energy and brilliance of experienced, top notch leaders, and your chances of success are almost guaranteed. The kind of group we’re talking about will help you create the quality of life you really want. It will help you transcend the stories that tell you to collapse when life gets hard and the excuses we sometimes tell ourselves to justify a mediocre life. Instead of identifying as a victim, the right group and the coaches will turn that story around and help you see the gift in the suffering so that it becomes a stepping on your way to greatness.

Our guest today is the Melissa Von Musser, sister of our repeat guest, Marc Von Musser and BFF of Jessie Torres from episode 540. Together, they’re bringing us 111 Days To Greatness. That’s 111 days of coaching, support, breakthroughs and transformation that you can experience in a group of like-minded people. This isn’t a money-maker for our hosts. It their way of changing the world and making sure you’re equipped to do the same.

Melissa is a partner of the We Are They movement, where she runs their women’s program and helps high-level men find a higher quality of life. She was also one of Tony Robbins’ top coaches for 10 years. Melissa knows the power we all have to conquer fear and doubt and she’s is excited to help people stay in gratitude despite their difficulties and to find the gift hidden in their pain.

To learn more about and to register for 111 Days To Greatness, go to https://bit.ly/48NSU8s.

Expert action steps;

  1. Get clear. What do you want in your life? Meditate, pray, sit in silence, so you can ask yourself better questions to get clear.

  2. Get grateful for the things life has thrown at you that you survived.

  3. Get connected to the right tribe, the right people.

Visit eCircleAcademy.com and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

EP540: Jessie Torres - How To Unravel The Blocks To Your Greatness

“When you’re in a community, where we all hold each other, and we are witness to each other’s greatness, we see you before you can see it yourself. We catch a blind spot, we’re there for it.”

We all have limitless greatness in us but in this world, it can be hard to believe. It’s easy to chalk it up to luck, and assume that some people just have more than the rest of us. Even if luck is part of the equation, what more and more people are discovering is that regardless of circumstances, our beliefs, our habitual reactions, and the history that we think defines us are what create our outcomes. The trick is believing in and taking action toward a good life, rather than assuming we’re destined for anything less.

One of the most potent actions you can take toward achieving your version of greatness is to surround yourself with a group of like-minded people, equally committed to achieving or sustaining greatness. Not just for themselves but for the whole community. Egregory is the word to describe what happens to a person’s whole being when surrounded by a group. In simple terms, you are the average of the 5 closest people to you. Human connection runs deep. We can see it superficially in our behavior by how we start to act like the people we spend the most time with. But there’s also a change below the surface that can be measured in the way our hearts beat and how our energy shifts. Overtime this shows up in our physical and mental health. These are principles and patterns of physics that have been proven throughout nature and the determine the outcomes we get in life whether we acknowledge them or not. Just like water flows into water, our lives will naturally flow into whatever we align ourselves with on a deeper level.

Jessie Torres believes the only limitations in a persons life are their beliefs. Her own journey through terrible loss and suffering gave her the opportunity to discover her ability to choose to see the beauty and opportunity in every moment, regardless of circumstances. As a result, her faith grew strong because she realized that everything in life has a divine source.

With all of this and more in mind, Jessie is teaming up with Marc Von Musser to bring us 111 Days To Greatness. Experience together with a group of like minded people, 111 days of coaching, support, and empowerment to maximize your results and let you reach your greatness. The cost of this program is ridiculously low. Follow this link to see for yourself.

Go to https://bit.ly/48NSU8s to see the incredible value of this transformational program.

Expert action steps:

  1. When you find yourself limited or stuck, stop. Breath. Connect to your breath. Breath causes your autonomic system to calm so you can connect to creativity.

  2. Whatever you practice is; meditation.. prayer… stillness. Go do it. There’s a wisdom that you can’t access when you’re in the jungle, waiting for you beyond the mindset limitations.

  3. Listen and trust. Whatever comes through in your stillness, listen and trust even when it doesn’t make sense.

To learn more about Jessie, go to http://www.unshakeablelife.com.

Visit eCircleAcademy.com and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

EP539: TL Nuggets #144 - 111 Days To Greatness - Doing The Impossible With Marc Von Musser

“There are too many great people out there with a passion on their heart. A skill in their heart. A lifetime of work that they’ve done to get to this moment. But they’re suffering. They’re struggling. And they’re living way below their greatness.”

“The leaders of tomorrow will be the most aligned, congruent, and willing to serve their fellow man.”

Things are changing in the world. The last three years are proof enough. Change brings great challenges but those challenges are opportunities. It just depends are whether you’re ready to transform along with the world, with society, and with business. During the shift, frauds are being called out for what they are and a void is opening up that needs to be filled with heart-driven people who are ready, willing, and able to serve humanity. These are people who are willing to undergo a mindset shift to thrive, succeed and to align with the new strategies the world needs that will being clients and businesses together to empower society as we transition into a new age.

Aside from Marc Von Musser’s many achievements in business coaching for over 35 years, he was once a Navy SEAL where he experienced the power of a like minded group to push you well beyond your perceived limitations. Bringing that experience into the business world, Marc has continuously seen the empowering effect of coming together as a group to experience dramatic transformation in mindset, lifestyle, and business growth.

One of Marc’s specialties is helping people discover their own greatness. During his 15 years as director of coaching for Tony Robbins, Marc’s heart-driven approach increased sales dramatically and enrollment went from a few thousand to 10 thousand. Marc knows that the future we’re heading into as we speak is calling for people of integrity to step up and be of service and that’s exactly what he’s doing in his new program, 111 Days To Greatness. You invest just enough to have a little skin in the game and Marc will give you 111 days of coaching, support, breakthroughs and transformation.

Marc is teaming up with Jessie Torres, the founder and owner of Fierce Grace Enterprises, to bring you 111 Days To Greatness. Go to https://bit.ly/48NSU8s to see the incredible value of this transformational program.

To learn more about Jessie Torres, go to http://www.unshakeablelife.com.

Visit eCircleAcademy.com and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

EP538: Jake Teale - Son Of A Coach

“A boy and a girl with a healthy mind and a healthy body will always know that they have a future.”

“The key element for an athlete and an individual that’s aspiring to become anything, is they have to get very well connected with their heart. They have to become very authentic to themselves.”

Knowledge handed down over generations is grounded in traditional principles that stood the test of time. Often because of the elegance that comes with simpler times, when the average person’s mind was less complicated. For athletes and entrepreneurs alike, being laser focused on your goals and the results needed is a process of simplifying the mind to get out of our own way. To do this, we need to surround ourselves with the right influences and supports. Anything else becomes a distraction.

Jake Teale is a coach who, from a very young age, was exposed to his family’s legacy of greatness. Specifically his Father’s methodologies as a former boxing world champion and coach. His father had many mentors in his life that helped him transcend great odds to become a man of significant influence. It showed in his ability to bring the best out of athlete’s and it certainly shines through everything that Jake shares in his words. Jake proudly carries the torch his father passed to him and he speaks with certainty that what his father taught him is true and that anyone can succeed by his methodology.

Jake Teale has been a performance coach for elite athletes for over 20 years. He incorporates psychophysiology, sport psychology and systems science into his coaching, as well as the art of connecting with clients with compassion, a positive attitude, and emotional intelligence. He’s also a speaker and a registered massage therapist.

Jason Teale on LinkedIn and Instagram.



Expert action steps:

  1. Stay focussed

  2. Stay committed

  3. Love yourself

Visit eCircleAcademy.com and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.