EP163: Tim Leatherman - The Power of Persistence

TTLR - EP 163 - Tim Leatherman.png

How do you deal with rejection?

Our guest, Tim Leatherman, who is the founder, chairman, and chief executive of Leatherman Tool Group, Inc, faced a lot of it before having success.

It took 8 years, including many companies saying no, before his original Pocket Survival Tool (PST was a multi-tool comprised of 13 different tools and folded up into a five-ounce, four-inch toolbox) hit the market.

In the first year of the business, Tim and his partner, Steve Berliner, sold 30,000 tools and over the next decade, over one million PST multi-tools would be sold.

During this conversation, you’ll also discover…

  • The importance of being a goal-oriented person

  • How to stand out in the marketplace

  • How to continue to deliver quality

To learn more about Leatherman tools, visit here.

To learn more about Tim, click this link.

Dave Mendonca