EP326: Robyn Symon - Storytelling That Transforms

“You’re the only obstacle, and it’s an obstacle that you can clearly move out of the way.”

Two time Emmy award winning writer and producer, Robyn Symon joins us today. Specializing in documentary and tv series, Robyn is a filmmaker that tells transformational stories that highlight people who make a difference in the world. Robyn is passionate about giving people the courage to take action on their ideas, dreams and goals.

A short list of her film achievements include; Behind The Blue Vail, One Week Job, Young Entrepreneurs Society, YesMovie.com, and Transformation: The Life And Legacy Of Werner Erhard. Her latest film is Do No Harm, which discusses the issue of suicide in the medical industry. Check out the IMDB link below for her full discography.


Expert Action steps

  1. Get in action! Whatever your goal or idea, are baby steps everyday toward making it happen.

  2. Talk about your dream as though it’s real.

  3. Be in connection with other people. Share your ideas with people. Help people and share how they could help you.


To learn more about Robyn Symon or to connect with her directly:








Also mentioned in this episode:

David Deida book The Way Of The Superior Man

Nick Koumalatsos

Wayne Allyn Root and The Great Patriot Protest and Boycott Book

Sovereign Man Movement

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Dave Mendonca