EP458: Joe Wang - Don't Just Chase Money, Follow Your Heart

“For the Epoch Times and NTD, what we have been doing, is although we keep an eye on the profit, we always follow the heart. That’s when you know you’re doing the right thing. And that’s when you know that when you actually go through difficulties, you’ll always have a likeminded team to fight with you and go through the difficulty with you, and there will be light at the end of the tunnel….That’s our best business model, because if we can speak truth, we can always find the audience. And we have peace of mind in our hearts an the business is solid because of that.”

Heart leadership is the most powerful and sustainable business model. The Epoch Times and NTDTV (New Tang Dynasty Television) are setting a prime example of how leading your business with heart not only changes the world, but also creates a solid foundation for your business and profits to grow. It’s really such a simple principle that only calls on us to actively care about others.

Joe Wang has seen the extreme opposite of heart leadership, growing up in communist China under the control of the Chinese Communist Party. On the surface, events like Mao Zedong’s Great Leap Forward painted a picture of a powerful government that had the people’s best interests at heart. But Joe’s family and many others saw a very different view as millions died from hunger and disease. Motivated by these events, Joe worked hard to establish a career in the vaccine industry, eventually landing in Canada at the largest vaccine company of its time, Sanofi. After 10 years in the industry, it was clear that the structure of that business model was leaning more toward profits than people. During this time, Joe also began practicing Falun Gong (aka Falun Dafa), a meditation practice originating in China that brought health benefits to people and a higher quality of life. It became extremely popular in China in only a few years but in 1997, the CCP started persecuting millions of Falun Gong practitioners. These events inspired Joe to begin a new career in media, helping establish what would become NTDTV and The Epoch Times, so that people throughout the world would be informed of the critical facts that should be available in a free society without interference from corruption.

Joe is now the CEO of NTDTV Canada and a columnist for the Epoch Times.

You can read Joe’s contributions to The Epoch Times at EpochTimes.com. Search for Joe Wang and you’ll find several columns that he’s written.

Also check out NTD.com

Expert action steps:

  1. In business, don’t just chase money, following your heart is the most important.

  2. Be true to yourself and be truthful in your business. Have a realistic perspective about what’s going on.

  3. Believe in humanity. Human beings are precious and we should believe in our communities so we can make our countries a better place and make our businesses more profitable.

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