EP543: TL Nuggets 146 - Don't Do It Alone!

“Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so, so much.”

Egregore is an ancient word that describes ‘the spirit of the group’. The collective energy of a group that lights a fire under everyone, surging everyone forward. Imagine what it would do for you and your business? When you have a single mentor or you join a mastermind, either way you’re going to benefit by finding resources you didn’t even know you need, getting instant feedback and encouragement to break though your barriers, and valuable methodologies. Finding a mentor or a group to help take you to the next level is just basic investment principles. But you’re investing in the most valuable part of your business: YOU.

Visit eCircleAcademy.com and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.