Posts tagged inflation
EP394: Kathy Sarafian - From CEO to Thought Leader - How To Inject Purpose Into Your Business

Bringing your income and your business to its full potential depends on many things, but mindset is king. Investing in yourself through coaching is the greatest investment you can make in your business. Kathy Sarafian was promoted to president of AMO (Abbott Medical Optics of Johnson & Johnson) and quickly found that her mindset was getting in the way of her success. On the verge of quitting, she hired a coach who helped her break though the aspects that were holding her back. She then lead AMO to quadruple their sales.

Kathy has been the CEO of Drive Medical Canada and a Life Science Advisor at MaRS. She ’s been coaching CEOs for over 15 years now, focussing on emotions resilience and mindfulness to help leaders develop mindset shifts for greater success.

Expert action steps:

  1. Invest in yourself. Don’t do it alone.

  2. Create space between yourself and your thoughts; put yourself in the position to choose your thoughts. Are your thoughts serving you or not?

  3. The trigger for positivity is self awareness. Positivity is precursor to success. We have approximately 50000 thoughts everyday and 75 to 80 percent of those are negative. Use breathing exercises to interrupt negative thought patterns.

You can connect with Kathy Sarafian on LinkedIn or her email,

Look for the upcoming book, Peak Performance: Mindset Tools For The Entrepreneur, where Kathy contributes her learnings and insights.

Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

EP392: Alex Sanfilippo - How to Leverage Podcasting and Podcast Guesting To Massive Success

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” - Helen Keller

If you’re a podcaster looking for guests, or a guest looking for podcasters, a new, disruptive technology has been developed to help you make the connections. Alex Sanfilippo is the visionary entrepreneur behind Podmatch. It’s an AI driven platform serving the podcast community that connects podcasters with their ideas guests and vice versa. Up to six shows/guests can be generated every eight hours.

This conversation touches on the many benefits that podcasting can bring to your business, by giving you ample opportunity to have meaningful conversations while connecting with hundreds or thousands of people.

Expert action steps:

  1. Seek to be a person of value, not a person of profit.

  2. Build your network to empower yourself.

  3. Stay creative.

To learn more about PodMatch and to take advantage of a discounted rate, go to

Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

EP390: Marc Von Musser - Serve, Don't Sell Your Way To $1 Million Income

“It’s not money that I’m after, it’s freedom and impact. Money comes on the backend you serving a lot of people out of pain. So if I get rich, it means I served a tonne of people using my gifts and my skillset. Nothing wrong with that.”

Are you on track to hit your target in 2022? Marc Von Musser is back with more of his tried and true wisdom to tell you that it’s not too late. You can crush 2022 during these uncertain times if you have the right mindset. His heart centred approach is the most direct way to reassure your clients that you have the solution to their problem. You’ll learn how you can set aside your fears and concerns about money and throw out those old sales techniques that don’t serve you or your clients anymore so that you can focus on what matters most: serving your clients. It’s a marriage between the human heart and sales; two things that should never be separated.

Expert action steps:

  1. Consciously claim victory. Get your beliefs in alignment that you can win the second half of this year. You need goals, you need to believe that you can reach them, and you need actions to take toward them.

  2. Choose your hard.

  3. Pick a proven mentor with a proven system.

To learn more about Marc Von Musser, go to

Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

Also in this episode:

Robin Sharma

EP388: Kim Chernecki - How To Add $250K+ To Your Practice This Year

“I like helping people identify their sweet spot, that thing they’re most passionate about, the thing that provides the highest impact and addresses a really important need.”

There’s a way to grow your consulting practice by $250,000 to $1,000,000 this year and you don’t have to do it alone. Kim Chernecki has helped over 1800 freelance executives, consultants and coaches land lucrative corporate contracts worth millions of dollars. From mindset to business development, Kim will take you through all the steps on the way to closing corporate contracts.

Expert action steps:

  1. It’s all about mindset. Come from the heart to serve your clients.

  2. Confidence and knowing that you have what your clients need to solve their problems.

  3. Don’t do it alone. Come to The Advanced Wealthy Consultant Summit to grow and scale your business.

Kim is teaming up with Nicky and Nancy MacKay to bring us The Advanced Wealthy Consultant Summit. It is a live Zoom event to help you leverage your existing business to create higher impact, more client value, and more predictable revenue than you ever dreamed possible.

For more information and to register, go to:

Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

EP386: Michael Santonato - Is Crypto Dead?

“The two best investors are the one that died and the one that forgot about his investments.” - Warren Buffet

“Technology in like a genie that, once let out of the bottle, not only grants wishes but never goes back inside.” - Paddy Hirsch

There are rhythms and cycles in life. What goes up must come down and vice versa but in the long term there’s always a state of growth. This same principle applies in the world of investing. Today’s guest is a financial advisor and libertarian level expert in the world of defi, crypto and the metaverse. He believes in the long-term potential of crypto and its blockchain technology and he suggests investors stay committed for the long haul and avoid reacting to the short-term volatility of crypto.

Michael Santonato is passionate about helping people reduce and eliminate bad debt, invest with confidence, protect their income and assets, and reduce taxes. He also offers technical training in the realm of crypto and blockchain and offers management solutions for people who don’t have time to do it themselves. 

Expert action steps:

  1. Read Economics Explained, learn about cycles, investments, markets, movements, and get tips for your business.

  2. Buy Michaels $50 course, Financial Wakeup Call. It is two hours of brilliant education on the financial system and its history. Get insight in to your own financial history and how to move forward.

  3. Watch a bitcoin and blockchain documentary to open yourself to the potentialities and possibilities of where the technology is going.

To learn more about Michael or to take one of his online courses, go to

Be sure to check out one of his many videos on his YouTube channel.

Also in this episode:

Movie: Margin Call

George Carlin - You Have No Choice

Book by Paddy Hirsch: Economics Explained

Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

EP384: Roosy & Dragon - Culture Is Behaviour

“A rising tide lifts all boats” - John F. Kennedy

Roosy and Dragon are Paul Roos and Emile Studham. They bring years of high level team sports coaching and management together in a powerful duo, delivering their combined wisdom and expertise to sports teams, businesses, corporations, and schools.

Starting in the 1980s, Paul Roos represented Fitzroy and Sydney in Australian rules football. As a coach, his unique approach brought great success to the Sydney Swans and later the Melbourne Football Club, landing him in the Australian Football Hall of Fame. Emile Studham is an educator with a background in kinesiology, behavioural science and elite performance. He started coaching young people in his early twenties and eventually became the co-founder and president of Aussie X, bringing physical activities and mindfulness programs to schools. He appeared on The Dragon’s Den in 2011 with the Aussie X team. Paul and Emile founded Performance By Design together in 2017.


Performance By Design focusses on the culture that leaders create in their organizations. Leaders should create a code of culture based on the context of their business and keeping in mind the needs of the employees.

Expert action Steps:


  1. Spend some time getting to know who you are and what you stand for. Who is the leader you want to be?

  2. Gp out and spend some money on a tool to help you understand yourself better.

  3. Practice realtalk. Someone who will give you honest feedback. Look for the good and the areas of growth in your behaviour.


  1. Ask yourself if you’re an energy taker or an energy giver. Leaders should take care of themselves, mentally, spiritually, physically to maintain their energy.

  2. Use your network to find opportunities to learn from others. Be open to what others have to offer.

  3. Realize that what Emile and Paul are saying is common sense. Realize that it’s easy to apply and don’t make excuses. Just do it.


Paul and Emile are offering a free culture diagnostic. Go to

You can contact Emile directly at

Check out their YouTube show The Culture Coach Live.

Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

EP382: Farley Flex - How To Build A Brand Like Canadian Idol

“I do nothing for a living. I live for what I do.”

From an early age, Farley Flex recognized that his interests, personality and skill set made him a good entrepreneur. At 15 years old, he organized a music event that attracted 1500 people and set the stage for an extremely successful career in the entertainment industry, including a three-year term as one of the original judges on Canadian Idol. Farley believes that knowledge of self gives an entrepreneur direction and makes it easy to make important decisions. Farley has managed several musicians including Canada’s first mainstream rapper, Maestro Fresh Wes, and he was the music curator for Canada’s first commercial urban music radio station. He’s a mentor and motivator to artists and people at risk, and an advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion in the black and indigenous communities.

Expert action steps:

  1. Know your product, know what you have to offer and be fearless with it.

  2. Knowledge of self is the #1 thing. Know your interest, know your personality traits, know your skillsets, and converge them into a model for success.

  3. Respect. Unless both parties leave the table feeling like they want to do business again, it’s not a good deal.


To learn more about Farley and to hire him as a Speaker for your event, you can find him on Instagram and Twitter as flexoriginal.

You’ll also be able to find Farley at when his website is ready.

Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

EP380: Colt Charlebois - Inspired Entrepreneurship

Colt Charlebois was making six figures in real estate, but something was missing. His motivation came from pursuing a life he believed would elevate him beyond his insecurities and this inevitably brought him to a dead end. Things changed dramatically once he found his true inspiration: to be in service to others.

Colt is now a coach, speaker and writer, who helps entrepreneurs take their businesses from one that simply solves problems and earns income, to one that makes a profound impact on the world and the lives of others. Colt wants entrepreneurs to get clear on their purpose and live inspired lives, in service of others.

Expert action steps:

  1. Stop and pray for direction.

  2. You need a community of faith-based individuals.

  3. Do what you say you will do. Operate as a more whole and integral person. Don’t overcommit yourself.

To learn more about Colt, go to

Nicky and Colt are holding an event that brings together the spiritual and practical sides of business. The focus is on helping entrepreneurs get clear on their purpose and have faith that their business will thrive when they put being in service before profits. The event will also focus on tools and strategies for how to grow your business, leadership and sales, and the importance and how-to of personal branding.

The event runs from November 25-27. Links and more details coming soon.

Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

EP378: Ollie El Gorr - Are Cryptocurrencies Safe?

“Do you want to have options in your life, or do you want to be beholden to a single point of failure?”


Ollie El Gorr is back to talk about the origins, the rise and the trajectory of the disruptive technology known as blockchain. Does blockchain threaten central banks? How does blockchain remove third-party interlopers? Is it viable and safe? Why are there several coins and what are the differences? These questions and many more are answered in today’s episode.

Expert action steps:

  1. Become part of the ecosystem. Buy At least $100 of bitcoin so you can see that it’s real.

  2. Invest in the runners that have momentum; Solana, Polkadot, Ethereum, Terra, Bitcoin, Luna.

  3. Educate yourself on hyper-inflation so you can see how bitcoin can protect you from the centralized economy.

For more information or to contact Ollie directly, go to

Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

Also in this episode:

The Sovereign Man Movement

Spartan Blades

The Trick To Money Is Having Some

Black Swan