Posts tagged scale
EP394: Kathy Sarafian - From CEO to Thought Leader - How To Inject Purpose Into Your Business

Bringing your income and your business to its full potential depends on many things, but mindset is king. Investing in yourself through coaching is the greatest investment you can make in your business. Kathy Sarafian was promoted to president of AMO (Abbott Medical Optics of Johnson & Johnson) and quickly found that her mindset was getting in the way of her success. On the verge of quitting, she hired a coach who helped her break though the aspects that were holding her back. She then lead AMO to quadruple their sales.

Kathy has been the CEO of Drive Medical Canada and a Life Science Advisor at MaRS. She ’s been coaching CEOs for over 15 years now, focussing on emotions resilience and mindfulness to help leaders develop mindset shifts for greater success.

Expert action steps:

  1. Invest in yourself. Don’t do it alone.

  2. Create space between yourself and your thoughts; put yourself in the position to choose your thoughts. Are your thoughts serving you or not?

  3. The trigger for positivity is self awareness. Positivity is precursor to success. We have approximately 50000 thoughts everyday and 75 to 80 percent of those are negative. Use breathing exercises to interrupt negative thought patterns.

You can connect with Kathy Sarafian on LinkedIn or her email,

Look for the upcoming book, Peak Performance: Mindset Tools For The Entrepreneur, where Kathy contributes her learnings and insights.

Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

EP392: Alex Sanfilippo - How to Leverage Podcasting and Podcast Guesting To Massive Success

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” - Helen Keller

If you’re a podcaster looking for guests, or a guest looking for podcasters, a new, disruptive technology has been developed to help you make the connections. Alex Sanfilippo is the visionary entrepreneur behind Podmatch. It’s an AI driven platform serving the podcast community that connects podcasters with their ideas guests and vice versa. Up to six shows/guests can be generated every eight hours.

This conversation touches on the many benefits that podcasting can bring to your business, by giving you ample opportunity to have meaningful conversations while connecting with hundreds or thousands of people.

Expert action steps:

  1. Seek to be a person of value, not a person of profit.

  2. Build your network to empower yourself.

  3. Stay creative.

To learn more about PodMatch and to take advantage of a discounted rate, go to

Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

EP390: Marc Von Musser - Serve, Don't Sell Your Way To $1 Million Income

“It’s not money that I’m after, it’s freedom and impact. Money comes on the backend you serving a lot of people out of pain. So if I get rich, it means I served a tonne of people using my gifts and my skillset. Nothing wrong with that.”

Are you on track to hit your target in 2022? Marc Von Musser is back with more of his tried and true wisdom to tell you that it’s not too late. You can crush 2022 during these uncertain times if you have the right mindset. His heart centred approach is the most direct way to reassure your clients that you have the solution to their problem. You’ll learn how you can set aside your fears and concerns about money and throw out those old sales techniques that don’t serve you or your clients anymore so that you can focus on what matters most: serving your clients. It’s a marriage between the human heart and sales; two things that should never be separated.

Expert action steps:

  1. Consciously claim victory. Get your beliefs in alignment that you can win the second half of this year. You need goals, you need to believe that you can reach them, and you need actions to take toward them.

  2. Choose your hard.

  3. Pick a proven mentor with a proven system.

To learn more about Marc Von Musser, go to

Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

Also in this episode:

Robin Sharma